We have been open for cabin rental for over a week now

May 3 2020

We have been open for cabin rental for over a week now.  Sturgeon fishing has been going great.  We have fine-tuned some new check in and check out processes along with many other changes.  We have been using new chemicals and processes to clean cabins, picnic tables, door knobs, cabin keys and many other items we use every day.  This past weekend we started off with online food ordering and are working out a number of challenges to streamline those processes.  We are operating with business as usual, okay, not normal kind of usual, but back at offering practically everything we have in the past.  For now, food orders are all prepared to go and can be picked up at the lodge or delivered to the cabins.  Our menu will be changing on Friday the 8th for opening weekend.  We now have online ordering for food right on our website, you can check that out now.  Checking in and out of cabins is all done via phone and paid on credit card at arrival.   

Most of the ice is gone, there may be some pieces floating around on the lake yet, but nothing of significant size.  We are still working through the central sewer project from last November and are yet to have landscaping done.  We hope it will be done soon, thankfully this spring has been dry so far.

The forecast shows a bit cooler this week with highs up to 50’s and Saturday and Sunday are supposed to have plentiful sunshine.


1-800-PRO FISH