Lake of the Woods is one of the finest fisheries in the United States. While the most sought after specie is the Walleye, other species abound. Trophy Northern Pike, great Sauger numbers, Smallmouth Bass, Jumbo Perch and Giant Lake Sturgeon can all be found in Lake of the Woods. Each area of the Lake has its own predominance of certain species. Lake of the Woods is one of the most scenic lakes in the state of Minnesota and definitely the largest. Located at the far northern border of the state, Lake of the Woods covers parts of Minnesota, Manitoba, and Ontario. The Western portion (MN) of the Lake is mainly one large body of water with open stretches of up to 45 miles, while the Eastern portion of the Lake (Canadian) is predominantly islands. The beauty of this lake is breathtaking regardless of which state, country or province you are in.
- Lake of the Woods covers 2,000 square miles and is the size of the state of Rhode Island
- Lake of the Woods has 65,000 miles of shoreline
- Lake of the Woods has 14,500+ charted islands, most of which are inhabited by deer, moose, bear, Bald Eagles, and other wildlife
- Lake of the Woods is the 45th largest freshwater lake in the world
- Lake of the Woods is a glacial remnant left over from the enormous ancient Lake Agassiz
Lake of the Woods is also called a reservoir, as it holds water from the lake head-Rainy Lake, which flows 90 miles of the Rainy River before entering Lake of the Woods. There are five controlling devices that maintain the lakes water level. Water from Lake of the Woods flows northward to the Winnipeg River, and on into Lake Winnipeg, it is part of the Hudson Bay watershed.
Lake of the Woods was once thought to be the head waters of the Mississippi. Lake of the Woods was one of the first pioneered areas in the mid west, and was valued for fur, lumber and gold mining.