Our Walleye Master Guide are still attacking some prime areas up North around the various islands with much success
Activity is definitely the word of the week. Carry lots of bait with you, as the fish are hungry. Sorting is another word to use as there seems to be a lot of small fish getting to the minnows first. In time you will still gather your quota and you will be busy. That has been the conversations from those fishing in front of pine island on the lake side. Our Walleye Master Guide are still attacking some prime areas up North around the various islands with much success. Shiners are the bait of choice and the run this year has been fantastic. The river fishing and Four Mile Bay fishing will continue to increase. Anchoring and jigging is the fall style of fishing.
11th Year of the Chili Bowl went well with many anglers competing for larger prizes this year. We increased the entry fee and obtained sponsors so we could run with 100% payout! $10,000.00 was awarded with $7,500.00 for the first 3 teams.
The fall leave colors are starting to show up. It is amazing to see how long the leaves are staying on the trees this year. You can watch our webcam from time to time to see them change.
If you have thought about relocating to a location like Lake of the Woods check out our new employment webpage. We have openings available starting in the ice season. https://borderviewlodge.com/employment/
The forecast for this week looks like a normal fall cool down. Temperatures from overnight mid 30’s to daytime low 60’s are forecasted this week along with some showers. Don’t forget your rain gear!
1-800-PRO FISH